Tips for buying calling cards

By | May 13, 2014

Calling cards allow you to buy voice calling time on a prepaid basis. Calling cards are also known as phone cards. They generally offer cheaper rates than your home plan, and are useful and hence popular amongst those travelling interstate or abroad.

With so many types of cards on the market, has compiled this list of tips to help you when purchasing a calling card online (or offline, really).

1. Watch for hidden fees and charges.

The headline or advertised rate per minute may be attractive but extra fees like connection or activation charges can make that bargain card be anything else but that. Make sure that you understand the full pricing structure when comparing cards.

2. Buy only from reputable companies

There are so many shanks in this business that your always advised to show due diligence and at least do some preliminary research on the company your about to hand over cash.

3. Check that the calling card company offers reasonable customer service and satisfaction guarantees.

Do they have a support line in case your card doesn’t work or runs out of credit? How do they handle complaints and do they ever offer refunds?

3. Buy cards with advance features

The best calling cards have extra optional features such as PIN-less or speed dialling. If you’re going to use your card a lot then it’s worth looking out for these type of features as they can save you lots of time and hassle.

4. Look out for referral and loyalty programs

If you’re going to use your card a lot – or have friends that might – keep an eye on the various rewards programs that many calling card providers offer.

5. Test before you go and  complain immediately if there’s a problem.

There could be nothing more frustrating than being stuck overseas, needing to make a call and finding out that the card you bought doesn’t actually work. Even the best companies sometimes make mistakes.

6. Consider using Skype rather than a calling card

If you have online access and access to a computer, tablet or smart phone, using Skype can be far cheaper than any using any calling cards. Skype to Skype calls are free, but you can use Skype to call any landline or cell phone.

Buy Skype Credit now to make cheap calls internationally

7. Read reviews of calling card companies

This site is not a bad place to start. Please let us know what you think, good or bad, about any calling card company you’ve dealt with.

Click here for a review of

Click here for a review of

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