Colin Robertson


My name is Colin Robertson and I’m one of the founders of and a Director at AGR Marketing Pty Ltd and Investment Manager and Trustee of the Troy-Robertson Trust.

That’s a lot of tech stuff to just say that I run a few websites and ecommerce businesses and that I make a full-time living from it.

I also guest blog occasionally on other sites about ecommerce and website building because it’s what i know and what i do best.

i’m not Mark Zuckenburg or Bill Gates but I’ve done well enough to have dropped out of the 9-5 routine and can do things like pick my kids up from school and catch up with friends for coffee during the day – while still supporting my family financially. As a former teacher, I’m passionate about sharing my experiences.

If you want help in any of the following please send me a note:

Blog writing – a 1000 word post would cost $300, but if you include a link back to this page, the cost is $0-$50 depending on your site’s traffic

  1. Shopify – I can set up a shop for you for
  2. WordPress
  3. Drop Shipping
  4. Affiliate Marketing
  5. Making Bloody Mary’s